

AEMEL is a not-for-profit organisation founded in September 2021 to address the systemic inequity in the advancement of ethnic minorities in education.

Our Vision

To have ethnic minorities in education leadership representation proportional to the total number of employees and reflect employee composition.

Our Purpose

To provide avenues and support to ethnic minorities in education to advance in the workplace.


Ethnic minorities constitute more than 25% of total employment in education, and yet, less than 2% are in management or executive positions.
A significant part of our work is breaking down the barriers that prevent ethnic minorities from accessing promotions and leadership positions.


  • encourage and support ethnic minorities to take up leadership positions in education
  • provide information, advice, and practical assistance in applying for leadership positions in education
  • keep members informed of educational leadership opportunities
  • advocate for the advancement of ethnic minorities in education leadership
  • provide information and advice about the needs and barriers to employment and advancement of ethnic minorities to Human Resource Departments and other hiring authorities
  • promote and celebrate the achievements of ethnic minorities in education leadership
  • undertake other activities that enhance and advance ethnic minorities in education.


Having ethnic minorities in leadership positions is itself an inspiration and encouragement to ethnic minority employees.


  • advise, represent, and advocate for our members in matters relating to advancement and promotions in educational settings
  • organise events; including workshops, and conferences to offer practical skills and strategies to further the progress of ethnic minorities in the workforce
  • liaise with employers to seek change in policy, hiring procedures
  • represent ethnic minorities in policy-making bodies.


Services include but are not limited to:

  • Addressing selection criteria
  • Resume writing
  • Portfolio building
  • Interview skills and coaching
  • Organising mentors
  • Organising networking events
  • Workshops and seminars on various topics that contribute to the advance ethnic minorities.